The Marriage Rescue Course: For Good Men Only

The Marriage Rescue Course is for good men who have unknowingly given away their power to their wives and who feel resigned in their inability to understand their wives and how to make them happy. The program works to rebuild your sense of being a man who is capable and can navigate the relationship with your wife in a constructive, self-aware, and responsible manner. The program teaches you how to establish healthy boundaries with your wife and to relinquish the natural desire as a good man to feel responsible for your her happiness and emotional state.


The Happiness Program for Women

The Happiness Program is a life-changing online happiness program for open-minded women to realize that their happiness is a personal responsibility and cannot be assigned to their husbands. It empowers women to heal their relationship with themselves to be happy and live their best life. It leads women out of the stories in their mind so they can connect with themselves in a deep, meaningful way.


The Happy Wife Program

The Happy Wife Program is the roadmap to knowing and understanding yourself as a woman so you can rediscover the truth of who you are: a loving and kind wife. A happy wife is a woman who embraces the role of being a wife to grow and learn and to feel good about who she is. Your marriage becomes your context to evolve as a woman in the role of being a wife. The Happiness Program is a prerequisite to take The Happy Wife Course.


Healthy Grieving Resolution Program

Are you experiencing the pain of grief? Unresolved grief can negatively impact a person’s life in a silent and insidious way; it can create an undercurrent that dramatically limits the fullness of a person’s life. However, we no longer need to suffer from the chronic debilitating pain of grief. Healthy Grieving is an amazing yet simple process for grief that can heal the underlying issues of loss. This ground-breaking grieving program allows individuals to make rapid and transformational changes that move them quickly through the grieving cycle into the experience of love and acceptance.


FREE Happiness 101 Course

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FREE Autoimmune 101 Course

If you struggle with a chronic illness or an autoimmune disease and have been on a discouraging cycle of medical and/or alternative treatments with no lasting results, we offer two remarkable educational programs that empowered students to take responsibility for their own health and well-being. Our cutting edge online educational program, based upon 15 years of research and study, teaches an individual how to support their body’s innate ability to self-heal. An individual will naturally outgrow their chronic illness as their body self-repairs and becomes healthy.

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